Andy in Australia. Thats sunny beautiful OZ! You can live vicariously through me in my adventures here by reading my posts. Go to my facebook page for photos.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

California! Here I am! Not a bad flight with a little bit of "Mr and Mrs Smith." It's late so the drive over was dark which is too bad, cause I hear this part of Cali is pretty. Tomorrow I guess. So I met the rest of Melis' apartmentmates, they seem pretty groovy. They set up a hooka and I joined them (don't worry ma it's tobacco and not as bad as a cigarette, haha). So we had a nice chat, even though it was a bit chilly. Sounds like there are at least a couple sweet things to do in the near future... i'll keep you posted. (Hey that picture from the plane is of the same crater I climbed on the Diamond Head hike)


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